Every Fire Needs a Sparkline
The Eleventy API ecosystem is growing. It started with a screenshot service. Now, we have a very simple service to generate SVG images for sparklines. This is using the sparkline-svg
package from
My version is running on https://v1.sparkline.11ty.dev/
using the same versioning via Netlify Branch Subdomains strategy as the screenshot service.
URLs support the following formats:
Deploy your own
You can also view this on the sidebar of this very website (at larger viewport sizes).
Generating the values from an Eleventy collection
eleventyConfig.addLiquidFilter("getYearlyPostCountList", (posts, startYear = 2007) => {
let years = [];
for(let year = startYear; year <= (new Date).getFullYear(); year++) {
let count = posts.filter(function(post) {
return post.data.page.date.getFullYear() === parseInt(year, 10);
return years.join(",");
via source code on zachleat.com
<img src="https://v1.sparkline.11ty.dev/120x30/{{ collections.posts | getYearlyPostCountList }}/" width="120" height="30" alt="Frequency of posts written every year on zachleat.com">