Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman

Own Your Content on Social Media Using the IndieWeb

October 18, 2019

Originally presented at JAMstack_conf_sf in San Francisco, CA USA 🇺🇸 on October 17, 2019. Based on the blog post I’m Taking Ownership of my Tweets on this very web site.

For this talk I built a social media platform: MySpaceBook.​info, the only social media site exclusively for astronauts. Unfortunately midway through the presentation an investor called me up to make an offer on the site and I was left with no choice but to sell it, taking all of the user data down with it. If you use the principles I outline in this talk, you would have been able to take agency over your data, preserving it on your own terms.


You’ve been posting to Medium, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. The gardens are walled. The silos are tall.

Inevitably when we are beholden to social media, the terms of service for these sites are subject to change. What can we do to protect our stuff and take back our digital social interactions out of these silo’d spaces and move them to places that we control?

With the IndieWeb and JAMStack, this is not only possible but pretty approachable too.


This video is hosted on YouTube.

Watch on YouTube: Own Your Content on Social Media Using the IndieWeb


Download a locally hosted PDF copy of the slides.

This talk is also on, which you can preview below:

Twitter Archive

Update November 28, 2022: The Twitter Archive project shown in this talk has now been open sourced as Tweetback.

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Making a PWA out of the 1996 Space Jam Web Site

Zach Leatherman IndieWeb Avatar for a builder for the web at Font Awesome and the creator/maintainer of IndieWeb Avatar for https://www.11ty.devEleventy (11ty), an award-winning open source site generator. At one point he became entirely too fixated on web fonts. He has given 85 talks in nine different countries at events like Beyond Tellerrand, Smashing Conference, Jamstack Conf, CSSConf, and The White House. Formerly part of CloudCannon, Netlify, Filament Group, NEJS CONF, and NebraskaJS. Learn more about Zach »


MattPayneOrgRégis Philibert at #JAMStackConfEleventyTim ChambersChris BachMatt BiilmannGift Egwuenu ✨jailPhil Hawksworth at #JAMstackConfSteven BeeckmanDave RupertJack-o-weinbenderMatthias OttJohn LaceyMike AparicioFrank TaillandierAdactio LinksJulienknutXΛBFredrik Matheson✨Joëlrossge ricciAlexandru PavaloiDanny de VriesIndieWeb Avatar for https://www.dragonflydigest.comBeko PharmChadamsAleksandr Hovhannisyan


rozinaDavid LeiningerFynn BeckerChris AldrichBaptisteTom Hermans🤘🌈𝕕𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕜𝕠Jeremias 🇺🇦🇺🇦 Jared WhiteTolga Eğilmezel 🏳️‍🌈AlecMatthias OttChris HannabyPatron saint of baby carrotsDave 🧱Ashur CabreraMike AparicioSusan TussingRobin RendleSia KaramalegosAdam ArgyleJess Peck 🐍🤖Steve Leeronnie.fyiChadamsphantom of the mini-bogRussell HeimlichChris M.Carol McKayLynn Fisheralex kuklinskiJakeAlexandru PavaloiPaul ShryockJamie Cassidyge ricciDiógenes OliveiraMark BoultonKatie Sylor-MillerSuresh Kumar GondirossHarry CresswellStuart MuyambiSam 🌱 🌄theAdhocracy✨ JoëlXΛBFredrik Mathesonbanhshee scream 💥Frank TaillandierChihurumnanya ⚡ @CONTECO2019Paul MeleroBeth Learns To CodeMike AparicioJonathan DallasEven WestvangDan CiupuligaChris JoelChris EnnsMandy MichaelJess BuddRizaldiMatthias OttJohn LaceyRicardo Blanch PMNick NisiDaniel EhnissCharis is at home 🌴Lincoln MongilloDave RupertJason NeelJelmer de MaatjailoluwayinkaJessica LordGift Egwuenu ✨Todd ParkerMatt BiilmannMarkus SchorkChris BachOhad Eder-PressmanEleventyMartin GrubingerBrian RinaldiFynn BeckerMattPayneOrgChris CoyierBen BrignellTommyRobin Rendledan leathermanMax Böck in 🇵🇹Chris Pymm


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  1. Derek Homan

    awesome watching now. thanks for sharing the link

  2. Mark Boulton

    That's a great talk! I would *love* to get this up and running on my site. Any plans to release some of the magic you've built?

  3. Zach Leatherman ❤️’d @jamstackconf

    Yes, I absolutely plan on doing this! It’s pretty close—stay tuned!

  4. Jordan Winslow

    This is a paradigm shift that MUST happen for human evolution. 1. Eliminates censorship. 2. Potential to pay users for good content (redistribution of gains) 3. Cambridge Analytica anyone? 4. No more privacy breaches. 5. Users dictate social policy, not 15 white men in suits.

  5. Max Böck

    did... did he watch your talk?

  6. rozina

    @zachleat ah nice ????

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