Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman

Flex Luthor, a Little CSS Flexbox Layout Helper

February 25, 2023

Just going through the backlog of some old projects and found this Filament Group gem that went unpublished!

Flex Luthor is a small CSS wrapper library to help with responsive intrinsic-sized Flexbox layouts that wrap based on content and container width (avoiding viewport-based media queries).

View the Demo or Source Code

This library predated Flexbox support for the gap property but I updated it to use gap in the new v3.0.0 version. I think the coolest feature it provides is the addition of borders only when cells wrap to a new line (horizontal, vertical, or both).


Available on npm

npm install @zachleat/flex-luthor --save

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The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023

Zach Leatherman IndieWeb Avatar for a builder for the web at Font Awesome and the creator/maintainer of IndieWeb Avatar for https://www.11ty.devEleventy (11ty), an award-winning open source site generator. At one point he became entirely too fixated on web fonts. He has given 84 talks in nine different countries at events like Beyond Tellerrand, Smashing Conference, Jamstack Conf, CSSConf, and The White House. Formerly part of CloudCannon, Netlify, Filament Group, NEJS CONF, and NebraskaJS. Learn more about Zach »


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  1. Zach Leatherman :11ty:

    no—*you* are just getting around to blogging things from 3 years ago, not me

  2. Dave 🧱

    @zachleat can the CSS Grid companion lib to this be called The Griddler ❔🎩

  3. Zach Leatherman :11ty:

    @DavidDarnes I… am in awe but also scared of your power

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