<filter-container> Web Component
A way to filter visible child elements based on the value of various form elements. Optionally synchronizes selections with the URL.
- Demo
- Demo on jamstack.org (Filter by Language, Template, or License)
- Demo on zachleat.com (Filter by blog post category)
- Repository
Are you also in charge of content, and fan of X-Men? 😅
No and yes 😇 Loved the old cartoons growing up
Just saw 2 movies, I guess I'll have to see more when Marvel starts mixing them with the Avengers in the coming Multiverse… 😅 I guess you can tell the right person there's a typo?
ahaha thank you for being very clear—I somehow did not even connect that was a typo 😅 I’ll let the team know, thank you!
How interested would Netlify be to get engaged in Open UI given your creation of web components and driving the direction/utilization in prod of these components for feedback?
Whew, good question. I’m super focused on Eleventy open source right now and I’m wary to split time there
definitely didn't mean you specifically, I know @soMelanieSaid is there but unsure who owns all of what. So if this component maps to <selectmenu> it could be tested or even converted to oui-selectmenu