Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman

Popular Posts

Ordered by pageviews per day. Sort instead by total pageviews. Data previously sourced from Google Analytics, a handrolled method using FaunaDB, and now Goatcounter. I also keep a highlight reel of the most popular tweets.

  1. A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies 265
  2. An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components 52
  3. BigText Makes Text Big 81
  4. Extract Colors from an Image for CSS Themes 91
  5. A Historical Reference of React Criticism 251
  6. Google Fonts is Adding font-display 🎉 123
  7. I Need Your Help to Make 11ty Fully Independent and Sustainable in 2024 307
  8. Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled? 251
  9. The Sneaky Costs of Scaling Serverless 88
  10. The Good, The Bad, The Web Components 78
  11. Use speedlify’s AvatarSpeedlify to Continuously Measure Site Performance 495
  12. IndieWeb Avatar for on Single Page Applications (SPA) 151
  13. 11ty Meetup: Blog Awesome from WordPress to Eleventy 17
  14. I added Lighthouse Scores to my Site’s Footer and You Can Too 267
  15. Netlify’s Disingenuous Survey-based Attack on Next.js (and Eleventy, too) 108
  16. Developing a Robust Font Loading Strategy for CSS-Tricks 168
  17. ?nodefine — a pattern to skip Custom Element definitions 125
  18. The Font Loading Checklist 23
  19. The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023 125
  20. Don’t Let the Door Hit You Onunload and Onbeforeunload 10