zachleat’s avatarzachleat’s Twitter Archive—№ 24,226

      1. Using the new client-side JavaScript rendered Twitter and thinking about @danwrong and co’s stellar 2012 Twitter redesign: I’m curious how the time to first tweet compares in this new version.
    1. …in reply to @zachleat
      @danwrong Okay, I’ve measured it. Old “boring” server rendered Twitter (Fast 3G, empty cache): Twitter stream render: 4.13s Trends: 9.03s Who to Follow: 9.06s Finish: 11.17s
  1. …in reply to @zachleat
    New client-side rendered Twitter (Fast 3G, empty cache): Twitter stream render: 7.21s (+74%) Trends: 7.25s (-20%) Who to Follow: 7.06s (-22%) Finish: 10.27s (-8%)
    1. …in reply to @zachleat
      New Twitter definitely feels slower, despite finishing sooner. That stream render difference is pretty huge. It strikes me as a good thing that Old Twitter lazy loaded Trends & Who to Follow. I wonder if New Twitter’s stream render time could improve by doing something similar?
      1. …in reply to @zachleat
        The other striking thing is that New Twitter has a more unstable load, a trait seemingly linked with client-rendering—4 different stages to load the main content: 1. Logo screen 2. Skeleton page with Masthead 3. Skeleton page with Stream container 4. Final stream content loaded
        1. …in reply to @zachleat
          All this said, I quite like the usability improvements in this new version (did they ditch all the awkward modals? 🎉). If nothing else, a bit slower page load might help keep me from using the site to such an unhealthy degree 😅
          1. …in reply to @zachleat
            Switched back to Legacy Twitter today after two weeks really trying out New Twitter and putting it through the wringer. Have y’all switched to New Twitter? Did it stick for you?